Archive for category: Lifestyle
FabulousTBSIntern / July 26, 2012 10:23 am
1. Olympics Party. A few weeks ago, I wrote about watching the Olympic trials on NBC. Well, it’s FINALLY time for the real thing which is the perfect excuse to throw a party! Whether you host it during the opening ceremony tomorrow or at any other point during the two week span, here are some tips for throwing a fantastic [...]
FabulousTBSIntern / June 28, 2012 2:03 pm
1. Olympic Trials. It’s official. We’re less than a month from the grandest sporting extravaganza in the world, the 2012 London Olympics. I don’t know about y’all, but I cannot wait to cheer on America in every sport from tennis to track, water polo to weightlifting. The Olympics is one of the upmost unifying and uplifting events. Why not kick [...]
thebrokesocialite / February 8, 2011 1:00 pm
I was watching the pilot for The Chicago Code last night when a Blackberry App World commercial ad. Never have I seen such an influential brand highlight the importance/reality of blogging. Take a gander at the clip below. I must say that it gave me chills. Don’t get me wrong…I think these “food bloggers” are supposed to be Every Blogger. [...]
thebrokesocialite / August 19, 2010 12:36 pm
I’m a stickler for proper grammar…y’all (Southern colloquialisms aside) have likely learned that over these past 5 years. Please rest assured that the title of today’s post is NOT a typo. When I said that I was grateful to be alive on my birthday, I could not have meant it more. As it turns out, I was in a car [...]
thebrokesocialite / June 16, 2010 12:00 pm
Let me see. My obsession with Harriette Cole began nearly 15 years ago when I came upon her manual of manners, How To Be: A Guide To Contemporary Living for African Americans (but truth be told, most of the content transcends race and is just good, old-fashioned home training). I have enjoyed following her career as a tastemaker, journalist, lifestyle [...]
thebrokesocialite / May 25, 2010 4:49 am
Some way or another I came across a new line of virtual invitations a few weeks ago called Paperless Post. Having never been a big fan of the Evite, I am reluctantly coming around. While I snub the electronic invitation under my breath, I try not to be overly judgmental. I think I’ve broken down and even sent one or [...]
thebrokesocialite / February 16, 2010 1:00 pm
(above, l-r) Mom Noir (in yellow), Style Mom, TBS, Running With Tweezers hamming it up at The Martha Stewart Show I am likely the very last person in Martha’s audience on Thursday, January 14, 2010 to actually write about the experience. Remarkably, I’m OK with that. It’s taken me nearly a month to absorb the fact that I was actually [...]
thebrokesocialite / December 22, 2009 1:37 pm
Oh yes, that Martha! Can you believe it? On January 14, I have been invited to participate in The Martha Stewart Show’s taping on bloggers and what makes them tick. My dear friend Ashley of IceMilk Aprons (you must see Ashley’s line of heirloom (and stylish) kitchen wear) has orchestrated it all. When I got the news, I was so [...]
thebrokesocialite / December 18, 2009 5:37 am
I am on a sugar high. Seriously. I am nearly bouncing off the walls over here. Some very wonderful things are happening in The Broke Socialite’s world and I’ve been dying to tell everyone more. On January 16th, 2010, The Broke Socialite is hosting some of my friends in social media and a few average Joes/JoAnns on a whirlwind tasting [...]
thebrokesocialite / December 17, 2009 1:00 pm
It happens almost as frequently as Haley’s Comet (or at least it certainly feels that way) but my dear, dear Eddie Ross is blowing back through Atlanta in a few weeks. Though he’s family at The Broke Socialite, let me introduce him to you again. Eddie and his partner, Jaithan, are my BFFs (well…at least in my head) and just [...]
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