Archive for category: Travel
thebrokesocialite / February 16, 2012 8:17 am
On the heels of my successful series of dessert events, Sugar Coma Festivals and Tours, I am hosting my first international dessert experience in Paris and London this fall! From October 10-16, 2012, we will visit bakeries, patisseries and delightful sweet shops across the pond. *spins around and around* I could not be more excited if I tried. In [...]
thebrokesocialite / January 19, 2011 12:07 pm
thebrokesocialite / January 11, 2011 3:23 pm
In exactly ONE week, Mr TBS and I will be headed to Florida to hop aboard a special cruise on the brand new Disney Dream! We are suffering from quite the cabin fever right now as a snow and ice storm has paralyzed Atlanta for the past few days. We will arrive in Orlando next Tuesday afternoon and set sail [...]
thebrokesocialite / September 1, 2010 12:28 pm
…London and Paris! Yes. *twirls around and around* In 14 days, I will be heading across the pond. My dear friend, Melenese, lives in London and her birthday gift to me this year was a trip to spend a few days as her guest. Surely, The Queen awaits my arrival. Ha! Firstly, how great of a friend is Mel? I’ve [...]
thebrokesocialite / August 4, 2010 4:04 pm
Unfortunately, I’ve been working so much this summer that I’ve not QUITE made it to a beach yet. Note to self: rectify that soon. If I can’t have fun yet, my friends certainly should (but damn them for going without me).One of my favorite bloggers and all around most stylish peeps has been at Martha’s Vineyard for the past week. [...]
thebrokesocialite / July 22, 2010 1:39 pm
I’m a pretty lucky girl. Occasionally I’m invited to try remarkable things and travel to even more delightful places as a blogger. When I was invited to spend a couple of days in The Ice Cream Capital of The World, Le Mars, Iowa, how could I say no? Wells Dairy, the parent company of Blue Bunny Ice Cream, hosted a [...]
thebrokesocialite / July 15, 2010 11:38 am
Happy Thursday! Just wanted to stop by to let you all know that I’m away for a few days. I’m actually in Le Mars, Iowa: The Ice Cream Capital of The World (who knew there was one, right?). The great folks at Blue Bunny Ice Cream invited me out for a few days to spend a few days at their production [...]
thebrokesocialite / March 25, 2010 12:00 pm
I wish more people recognized the value of a passport. I have always viewed it as a key to the world. How wonderful it is to be able to use this little booklet as an opportunity to see a variety of natural phenomena and encounter people with different backgrounds. Simply put, mine means the world to me. The PSA-ish component [...]
thebrokesocialite / November 24, 2009 4:49 am
I didn’t leak it until the last minute but, as most of you have figured, I spent a few days aboard the Disney Wonder – one of Disney Cruise Line’s finests – last weekend. Joined by two other Disney Cruise Line Divas, Classy Mommy and The Divine Miss Mommy, I headed down to Cape Canaveral on Thursday afternoon. From there, we [...]
thebrokesocialite / June 2, 2009 1:25 pm
Next year, 2010, will bring great things for the TBS household. Our only child will graduate from high school and hopefully enter the college of his choice. Mr TBS and I will celebrate 10 years of matrimony, as well. After we’ve gotten The Boy off to school, we’ve decided to take a trip to Paris, France in celebration of our [...]
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