Blog, featured — June 17, 2011 4:38 pm

I’m Baaaaaaaccccckkkk!

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So what do you think?

Have you looked around here a bit?  Cool, right?

Well, let me tell you. I surely have missed everyone over the past 5 months. My respite from blogging was absolutely, positively necessary. I KNOW that I am stepping back into THIS space more rested (bloggers need downtime, too, you know?) and with a much fresher perspective on my place in the blogosphere. I’ve had an opportunity to experience quite a few cool opportunities, discover some amazing stuff (including the FAB Essie polish in the picture above), meet some dynamic folks and I can not wait to share them all.

There’s still a little bit of dust around here so I beg your patience as I become more acclimated to the environment (all of these bells and whistles are a long way from the cheetah print of ago).

Thank y’all so very much for understanding and being so very supportive.

Cheers to you all!

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