Blog, featured, Food and Beverage, Fun Stuff — August 5, 2011 1:11 am

OB-SESSED With Summer Bebidas

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Over the summer while I have NOT been blogging (*pops own hand*), I’ve become a pseudo mixologist. There are so many fantastic cocktails and who am I not to offer of my taste buds. I LOVE searching the internet for new ideas. I must admit that Saveur has been one of my go-to spots for concoctions to help me survive this dreadfully (is that even a word?) hot summer. Can I get a witness? (*insert a church wave here*) Mr TBS and I usually mix up a batch of Whatever and lounge on our decks to great music. I have to remember to be ladylike; thus, sipping and not swigging. Ha! Check out our recent efforts….

Peach Ginger Margarita (and, oh, I’ve lost 30 lbs)

Strawberry Moonshine Juleps


Speaking of cocktails, I have been invited (surely because I’m such the natural…see pics above) to participate in “CeleBARate” at Livingston Bar next Tuesday, August 9 with some REALLY cool folks.  If you’re in Atlanta, please come by and let me pour you a great cocktail for the cause.

Join me?


What has been YOUR favorite cocktail this summer?


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